Tuesday, 6 September 2016

present status of emergency medical care in India

The emergency medical care in India is fragmented . The vast country has different medical emergency care facilities provided by the hospitals , nursing homes and individuals practitioners . The ambulance are provided by the leading hospitals may be working on the commercial bases but for the common man the ambulance services respsonse is always in doubt . There ae reports which has that at least more than 50 percent lives could have been saved if the medical care had been provided to them during critical times .
The central accident and trauma services ambulance services was launched in 1984. The services was expanded nationally but there was no drive force behind the services. Today , there are many private hospitals and NGOs who have set up there own emergency medical services.
In a vast couttry there cannot be a single emergency medical services. But the existence medical services need to have trained manpower and fully equipped ambulances. The trained manpower are trained at the level of institute . There is no training agency providing training at the natonal level . The lack of centralized training means that the response of the para medical staff during critical times vary from hospital to hospital. 

The government hospitals who have to cater to the large number of people do not have the number of ambulance to reach the person in need within the time . The time and quality of emergency medical services can save the life at crucial juncture . The leading Best Ambulance Services in Delhi NCR hospitals have air conditioner and non air conditioner ambulances . The ambulances are fitted with qualifed manpower and trained technicians. But the same cannot be said of the other non private hospitals .
The cost of air ambulance is beyond the financial means of the average man . But they are able to provide effective medical services to the clients who can afford them . The air ambulance can be a mini clinic during the flight to intended hospital.
Emergency medical education -

The academy training in emergency medical services Best Air Ambulance Services in Delhi NCR is considered one of the best aspect of the emergency medical services in India . Medical colleges have emphasized the need of spending at lest two weeks in the casualties of the hospitals before obtaining the doctor certificate . Now , there are several institutes with formal training facilities for personal in emergency medical services. Some of them have collaborations with international agencies and some have formulated their own curricula .

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